Chapter 488 – Extra 9 (Afterword)

Méi Guǒ started writing Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant a long time ago. However, it has been sleeping on her computer all along, with no intention of finishing it or even publishing it. If it weren’t for her editor Na Lan, Méi Guǒ believes this novel would still be dormant on her computer.

Originally titled “Rebirth: Not Saying There Are No Clothes1 , it was changed to “Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant” to better suit online publication. (Actually, Méi Guǒ has always been bad at naming things, haha.)

This novel was first posted on November 12, 2011, and completed on April 26, 2012.

While Méi Guǒ was writing this story, many readers asked why Luo Wei couldn’t be with Long Xuan, and why Luo Wei ultimately chose Wei Lan. Méi Guǒ addressed this question in a comment. Even in matters of love, some mistakes are unforgivable; once you miss the chance, it’s gone. Long Xuan has made too many mistakes, deeply hurting Luo Wei in both his previous and present lives. Even if Long Xuan wanted to make amends later on, and did his utmost for Luo Wei, it was already too late, the boat had already sailed2.

As for Luo Wei, he was not a good person, which is something Méi Guǒ had said in her group right from the beginning of the novel. In both lives, Luo Wei has been a cold-hearted person. In terms of cunning and ruthlessness, Luo Wei was not inferior to Long Xuan. Long Xuan’s hands were stained with blood, just like Luo Wei’s. It’s just that in his rebirth, Luo Wei’s only goal was to redeem the mistakes of his previous life, so in this life, he was not aiming for dominance over the world, but only to protect his family.

Did Luo Wei love Long Xuan? Did he still have feelings for him? Méi Guǒ‘s answer is that he did love him before, but after the destruction of his clan, the tragic deaths of his loved ones, and his ten years as a slave and prostitute in his past life, that love has been extinguished and turned into hatred. In this life, Luo Wei may feel a flutter in his heart when he sees Long Xuan, not because of love, but because of hatred. Some readers may argue that it’s precisely because he loved Long Xuan so deeply that Luo Wei hated him so much now, and that’s not entirely wrong. Luo Wei did love Long Xuan deeply, but in this life, even if his hatred towards Long Xuan ultimately became meaningless, he could never turn it back to love.

In the first half of the novel, many readers disliked Wei Lan, wondering how a passerby could become the male lead. Méi Guǒ wants to clarify that Wei Lan was never a passerby; he was just as important to Luo Wei as his family members. Before meeting Wei Lan, Luo Wei had never planned for himself. It was only after Wei Lan appeared in his life that Luo Wei found a newfound will to live for himself.

Some readers also mentioned that there seemed to be something lacking in the relationship between Luo Wei and Wei Lan. Yes, their relationship was always calm and steady, without any surprises, but why can’t a calm and steady relationship be love? Luo Wei has been deeply wounded by love and couldn’t throw himself into another passionate love affair like a moth flying into a flame. Wei Lan was gentle and doted on Luo Wei. He was someone in front of whom Luo Wei could allow himself to cry freely, to love without feeling humiliated, and to reveal his true self. Méi Guǒ wants to say that Luo Wei’s feelings for Wei Lan eventually surpassed his feelings for Long Xuan in his past life. This may seem cruel to Long Xuan, but it’s the truth.

Long Xuan loved Luo Wei, but didn’t Wei Lan also love Luo Wei? The person who gave solace to Luo Wei in his past life and weathered countless storms with him in this life was only Wei Lan.

As for Sima Qingsha, he has hurt Luo Wei, and Luo Wei has hurt him as well. He had true feelings for Luo Wei, but Luo Wei was only using him. This is also why Luo Wei didn’t hate Sima Qingsha; he felt guilty towards him. Sometimes love is one-sided. You fall in love, but don’t receive a response, yet you still remember it for a lifetime.

As for whether Luo Wei could give Long Xuan a chance to renew their fated relationship in another lifetime, Méi Guǒ hasn’t figured that out yet because that would be a different story altogether.

After this, Méi Guǒ will complete two more novels: “The BT Western Han Dynasty’s Picking Chrysanthemums” and another ancient-style story that’s been sleeping on their computer. After completing these two novels, Méi Guǒ will think about Long Xuan and Luo Wei’s story again, but that will be a long time from now.

In any case, thank you, readers, for your companionship all this time. “Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant” is truly completed tonight. Let’s meet again in the next novel.

(Méi Guǒ, on the evening of April 26, 2012)

—— The end ——

  1. 重生之岂曰无衣 – Chóngshēng zhī qǐ yuē wú yī : or “Rebirth: How Can It Be Said There Are No Clothes?” ↩︎
  2. 木已成舟 – mù yǐ chéng zhōu: idiom, “the wood has already become a boat”, meaning it’s too late, what is done cannot be undone. ↩︎

4 responses to “Chapter 488 – Extra 9 (Afterword)”

  1. I actually really love a genuinely kind and devoted ML like Wei Lan

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear translator, thank you so much for picking up this novel and taking it all the way to the end! I’m so grateful this story is now fully translated. I read almost 500 chapters in less than a week, not sure what I’m supposed to do with my life right now 😅

    I know it has a cult following already, but I sincerely hope more readers find and appreciate it. I think the “unusual” title and the hardcore tags might have discouraged some readers, because the same happened to me. But I’m glad I gave this story a chance.

    And I’m glad to read the author’s words because it seems like I understood the message they tried to send. For me, Wei Lan was the only true ML, there was no other possibility. Long Xuan and Sima Qingsha might have been villains or something else, but Luo Wei’s true love was only Wei Lan. I understand that some people enjoy the “heavy baggage” couples (not sure what other euphemism I could use), but I can never really enjoy that stuff.

    As much as I love angst, I want the main couple to be absolutely 100% nice and supportive of each other. After reaching a certain age and seeing so many IRL relationships, my #couplegoals are people who can sit next to each other completely comfortable and enjoy life without creating any big waves. Luo Wei and Wei Lan’s next (happy) life was exactly that, therefore it’s the perfect ending imo.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Seriously can’t thank you enough for finishing this translation. WL has always been the male lead for me. He’s perfect with LW.

    Do you know if the author has any other novels? Or any update about this author would be great! I looked up the title mentioned but I didn’t see anything pop up unfortunately 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for translating the rest of R:DSAT. This novel has always been a favorite of mine despite the difficulties of mtl-ing it every time I wanted to reread it. It is a truly complex and morally grey story, demanding a high level of endurance and maturity. It is emotionally draining to read and is so much more draining for the translators who not only have to read the novel, but also mull over the wording and nuances of each sentence. Thank you for your hard work!

    I have never doubted Wei Lan and Luo Wei’s love for each other. I quite like how the author handled the explanation of “rebirth.” A justifiable explanation and purpose behind reincarnation is often neglected in these types of novels. The journey to the reveal is long and full of ups and downs for both the main leads and the readers, but the resolution was made sense and was fulfilling.

    Liked by 1 person

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