Chapter 465 – A Reunion After Ten Years

Luo Wei didn’t know where he could go, so he just kept walking forward. After a while, he saw a small path covered with fallen leaves. Suddenly interested, Luo Wei stepped onto this path, focusing on walking on the fallen leaves underfoot, listening to the rustling sound as his feet touched the leaves. It felt like a long, long time ago, he and Wei Lan had walked together on a palace path, also filled with fallen leaves, although it seemed not to be this one. Luo Wei didn’t know how long he had walked until he felt tired and leaned against a pine tree, looking up at the sky. Even here, he could still see the fireworks from Lingyun Terrace, indicating he hadn’t walked very far. Luo Wei patted his legs. He had thought he had walked a long way, only to realize he had barely moved. He had really become useless, unable to even walk far.

As he stood there, Luo Wei began to look at the fireworks blooming in the sky. They were indeed beautiful, but they disappeared too quickly, leaving no time to savor them before fading into the night. Luo Wei couldn’t understand why people bothered to create such useless things. Was it just to enjoy their momentary beauty? It would be better to grow more flowers instead. At least flowers could be enjoyed for years as they bloomed and withered.

“Boom, boom…”

From afar came the sound of a small drum. Luo Wei looked in the direction of the sound and saw a child shaking a small drum while kicking the fallen leaves on the ground as he walked towards him.

Luo Wei stood in the shade of the tree, and the child did not notice there was someone standing there. The child kept glancing back and looking up at the fireworks before continuing to run towards Luo Wei. Luo Wei patiently waited until the child came closer before suddenly asking, “Who are you?”

The sudden voice startled the child, causing the small drum in his hand to fall to the ground.

Stepping out from under the tree shade, Luo Wei walked up to the child. Judging from the child’s attire, he seemed to be from the family of some high-ranking official. “Tell me,” Luo Wei squatted down in front of the child, smiling as he asked, “Whose child are you? How did you end up here alone?”

The child glanced at Luo Wei and said, “And who are you?”

Looking at the child’s big eyes, perhaps only three or four years old yet already with a somewhat clever gaze, Luo Wei couldn’t help but smile. “I asked you first. Shouldn’t you answer me first?”

“I don’t know you,” the child shook his head, “Father said not to talk to strangers.”

Though not cute at all, Luo Wei strangely found him likable. “But we’ve already talked so much. Doesn’t that mean we know each other now?”

The child was taken aback by Luo Wei’s words and tilted his little head, looking at him with a puzzled expression.

“We’re not strangers anymore. Can you tell me who you are now?” Luo Wei continued coaxing the child.


“Ning’er?” A woman’s voice called from nearby.

“Mother?” The child, upon hearing the call, turned his head to look back.

Luo Wei also glanced in the direction of the voice and froze. Under the fireworks-filled sky, he saw Wei Lan, accompanied by Yan’er, and a small bundle in Wei Lan’s arms – a sleeping infant.

“Your Highness?” Wei Lan finally recognized Luo Wei’s face behind his son and hurriedly called out to him.

However, Yan’er was as stunned as Luo Wei, staring at him with a somewhat panicked expression.

Luo Wei paid no attention to Yan’er’s expression. He only slowly stood up, his heart pounding violently. If not for his remaining sanity, he would have almost embraced the person standing not far away. Ten years had passed, and Wei Lan’s face showed signs of aging, yet he still looked the same as Luo Wei remembered – still as handsome, but also more formidable.

“Father, Mother,” the child ran to his parents.

For some reason, Yan’er hugged her son tightly.

This time, Luo Wei noticed Yan’er’s actions and expression. Was she afraid he would hurt the child? True, over the past ten years, he had killed countless people and gained an infamous reputation. But this was Wei Lan’s son; how could he possibly harm him?

“Your Highness,” Wei Lan did not know why, but every time he saw this Prince Jin, he could see unfathomable sadness on that beautiful face.

“Lan,” Luo Wei lowered his head, then raised it again with a warm smile, “it’s been a long time since we last met.”

Wei Lan, holding his little daughter who had just turned one, stepped up to Luo Wei and bent down to pay his respects.

“No need,” Luo Wei’s hand touched Wei Lan’s, but he immediately withdrew his hand as if he had been burned. He said with a smile, “How can you bow while carrying a child?”


“Highness gege,” Yan’er interrupted Wei Lan, walking up while holding her son’s hand.

“Your Highness,” the child curiously studied Luo Wei, “are you a Prince?”

“How presumptuous!” Wei Lan was about to reprimand his son for addressing Luo Wei improperly.

Luo Wei laughed heartily, “You little thing, since your mother called me Highness gege, then of course I’m a Prince. Who else in this world is adressed as ‘Highness’ ?”

The child stuck his tongue out and made a face at Luo Wei. Seeing that Luo Wei knew his parents, the child now revealed his mischievous nature.

Watching the child’s lively and ever-changing expressions, Luo Wei felt he resembled Yan’er more, sharing her unrestrained temperament.

“Your Highness,” after Wei Lan’s gaze fell on Luo Wei, he could not look away, “Why are you alone here?”

“What is your son’s name?” Luo Wei asked Wei Lan, “How old is he now?”

Wei Lan smiled and said, “My adoptive father gave him his name. It’s just one character, Ning. He’s already three years old.”

“Ning,” Luo Wei repeated the name, “‘A peaceful life’. What a good name.”

Wei Lan said hurriedly, “My adoptive father thought the same, and he also said the Prince would like it.”

Luo Wei looked at Wei Lan and smiled. He naturally hoped this person would have a peaceful life. Everyone who knew about their past would understand his wish.

Seeing a flicker of light in Luo Wei’s eyes, perhaps tears, Wei Lan anxiously asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Well,” Luo Wei tilted his head, avoiding Wei Lan’s probing gaze, and asked, “and what about this little one?” He pointed to the baby in Wei Lan’s arms. “What’s her name? Is she your daughter?”

“Yes, she’s my daughter,” perhaps because he was talking about his daughter, Wei Lan’s expression became even more gentle as he told Luo Wei, “Her name, also given by my adoptive father, is An’an.”

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