Chapter 460 – The Arrival Of The Envoy from Northern Yan

“What is the matter?” Luo Wei asked Long Xuan after watching Ten lead Long Xiao away.

“I’m going to Southern Zhao,” Long Xuan handed a memorial to Luo Wei, saying, “This was handed to me by Luo Yuxuan. Take a look.”

Luo Wei opened Luo Ze’s memorial, which listed a long list of place names. He didn’t know what these places were, but without exception, they were all areas where unrest was brewing in Southern Zhao. Luo Wei counted them briefly, and there were more than a hundred. “You,” he said to Long Xuan, “do you plan to personally quell the unrest?”

Long Xuan nodded, saying, “As for matters in the court, I still want to entrust them to you.”

Luo Wei sneered and said, “What is this supposed to mean? Have I said anything about leaving these days?” Was this person willing to use these sort of means to keep him in the palace?”

“Your second brother conquered Southern Zhao,” Long Xuan said, “but I have never laid eyes on that territory. I want to eradicate the unrest there and resolve it through a single campaign.”

“How do you plan to resolve it with just one campaign? Are you going to kill all the dissidents? There are so many people in Southern Zhao, can you kill them all?” Luo Wei asked.

“I will be back soon,” Long Xuan placed his hand on Luo Wei’s shoulder, “Our matters…”

“We have Xie Mingyuan and the imperial uncles in the court,” Luo Wei interrupted Long Xuan, saying, “They can manage the court affairs for you.”

“Other than you, I don’t trust anyone else,” Long Xuan said, “Luo Wei, please bear with it a little longer.”

Luo Wei asked, “How long will it be?”

“I will return as soon as I can,” Long Xuan said, “You must wait for me.”

“Have you mentioned this matter in the court?” Luo Wei asked.

“It was mentioned in the morning court today.”

“Since you have already decided, why bother consulting me?” Luo Wei immediately raised his voice, “You could have just sent a eunuch to inform me and it would be fine, right?”

“Luo Wei.”

Luo Wei waved his hand at Long Xuan, “You are going on another imperial campaign, go back to Changming Hall to prepare.”

“Sima Qingsha sent an envoy,” Long Xuan said at this time, “This envoy claims to know you and wishes to see you.”

“I won’t see him,” Luo Wei said decisively without even thinking, “I don’t want to see anyone from Northern Yan.”

“He says his surname is Imperial Physician Chu, and he is an imperial physician from Sima’s palace,” Long Xuan said, “I’ve told you everything. If you don’t want to see him, then you don’t have to. I’ll have him escorted away.”

“Wait,” Luo Wei hurriedly said to Long Xuan upon hearing it was Imperial Physician Chu, “Where is he?”

“Just outside the garden,” Long Xuan said, “Do you want to see him?”

“He saved my life. As someone who saved my life, of course I want to see him,” Luo Wei said as he stood up, “Will you accompany me to see him with me?”

“I’ll return to Changming Hall,” Long Xuan said, “You two can talk alone.”

“Please,” Luo Wei gestured outward.

Long Xuan ordered someone to lead Imperial Physician Chu into Yi Jin Garden and left on his own. He wanted to know what this physician from Northern Yan would say to Luo Wei, but he also knew that Luo Wei wouldn’t want him there. In the end, Long Xuan gave up his curiosity. He preferred to go along with Luo Wei’s wishes, as every time they met, it was either cold words and sarcastics comments1 or silence.

When Imperial Physician Chu saw Luo Wei again, he was overwhelmed by a myriad of emotions2 and was about to kneel to pay his respects.

“No need,” Luo Wei hurriedly stopped Imperial Physician Chu, saying, “I don’t observe these formalities here. Physician Chu, come in quickly. Let’s talk inside.”

Imperial Imperial Physician Wei having heard the commotion, came over and stood beside Luo Wei, looking at this physician from Northern Yan and said, “When our prince was in Northern Yan, were you the one who treated him?”

Imperial Physician Chu didn’t know who this proud-looking person asking him questions was and looked towards Luo Wei.

“He is the head physician of our Great Zhou Imperial Hospital,” Luo Wei said, “Physician Chu, feel free to exchange medical knowledge with him privately during your stay in Great Zhou.”

Imperial Physician Chu politely bowed to Imperial Physician Wei.

“Return his greetings,” Luo Wei whispered to Imperial Physician Wei who was standing beside him, “See what happens if you don’t.”

Only then did Imperial Physician Wei return a bow to Imperial Physician Chu. He also whispered to Luo Wei, “Is he also the head physician of Northern Yan?”

Ignoring Imperial Physician Wei, Luo Wei smiled at Imperial Physician Chu, “Physician Chu, let’s talk inside. Please.”

Imperial Physician Wei wanted to follow Luo Wei inside.

“I want to speak with Physician Chu alone,” Luo Wei stopped and said to Imperial Physician Wei, who didn’t even bother to look at people’s expressions and did not understand social cues.

“Yes,” Imperial Physician Wei finally didn’t follow. Whenever it rained, the area where Luo Wei had broken his leg would ache. Imperial Physician Wei knew Luo Wei had broken his leg in the Northern Yan imperial palace, so he came to ask Physician Chu about the medications the Northern Yan physicians had used to treat Luo Wei back then, so that he could modify his prescriptions accordingly. “He thinks I’m here to embarrass him,” Imperial Physician Wei muttered to himself as he was left in the courtyard. In this day and age, no good deed goes unpunished 3. Who was he doing this for?

Physician Chu followed Luo Wei into the study. He was very curious about this Yi Jin Garden, which was said to be the most exquisite garden in the Great Zhou imperial palace, filled with rare treasures, exotic birds and beasts. The pavilions were said to have golden roofs and silver pillars, with white jade railings and green jade ornaments – a sight not meant for the mortal world, but for the heavens alone. Now that Imperial Physician Chu had actually seen Yi Jin Garden, he did not find it particularly luxurious. He only felt that it was serene, a place to observe the changing seasons and the flow of time.

“Physician Chu,” Luo Wei said after entering the room, inviting him to sit down, and began, “I did not expect Emperor Sima Qingsha to send you as an envoy.”

Imperial Physician Chu bowed his head with a bitter smile. His lord wanted to know about the recent developments of the one he had lost to, but sending court ministers would not allow him to get to Luo Wei, so he thought of sending this physician instead. “Your Highness,” Imperial Physician Chu put away the bitter smile on his face and asked, “How have you been lately?”

“Same as always,” Luo Wei said, “Neither good nor bad.”

This time, Imperial Physician Chu took a good look at Luo Wei’s complexion. After observing him for a while, Imperial Physician Chu frowned.

“My complexion is not good,” Luo Wei noticed Imperial Physician Chu’s frown and smiled as he rubbed his face with his hand, saying, “But I won’t die just yet.”

“Your Highness?” Imperial Physician Chu hurriedly stood up.

“Just joking,” Luo Wei waved his hand with a smile, gesturing for Imperial Physician Chu to sit back down, and said, “What about you? Have you been well these years?”

Imperial Physician Chu sat down again and said, “I’ve been fine these years, no illnesses or disasters. But following my lord in battle all these years has indeed been tiring.”

“But it was worth it, was it not?” Luo Wei said, “So, Physician Chu, have you been promoted?”

Imperial Physician Chu shook his head, “I am only a fourth-rank physician in Northern Yan. I don’t have the fortune to sit among the third-rank officials.”

“So, why did Physician Chu request to see me this time on your diplomatic mission to Great Zhou?” After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Luo Wei got to the point and asked, “Does Emperor Sima Qingsha have a message for me?”

  1. 冷言冷语 – lěng yán lěng yu: idiom, lit. “cold words cold language” ↩︎
  2. 百感交集 – bai gan jiao ji: lit. “a hundred feelings intermingled” ↩︎
  3. 好心没好报 – hao xin mei hao bao: idiom, lit. “good intentions are not rewarded” ↩︎

3 responses to “Chapter 460 – The Arrival Of The Envoy from Northern Yan”

  1. Thankyou for the amazing translations! I feel really sorry for Long Xiao as he’s so full of hatred for his father and is now clinging onto LW like a baby chick following its mother. I’m excited to read what Physician Chu has to say and what message he’s bringing with him to northern yan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol, I like the baby chick image, thank you for your support! 💜


  2. i never thought those two physicians would meet lol I’m glad to see it though!

    Liked by 1 person

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