Chapter 434 – Search in the Imperial Palace

When Luo Wei asked about food and supplies, Ning Fei fell silent. He was so anxious to comfort Luo Wei that he had forgotten about the matter of provisions.

“Let me think about it,” Luo Wei said, “You go and take a nap.”

“I’m not tired,” Ning Fei hurriedly replied.

“You fainted,” Luo Wei whispered, “Go to sleep. Yi Jin Garden isn’t considered part of the palace, so you don’t need to worry.”

“I’m not worried about that,” Ning Fei said.

Luo Wei yawned; he actually wanted to sleep all the time, but whenever he lay down, he couldn’t fall asleep again.

“Are you very tired?” Ning Fei asked.

“Not too much,” Luo Wei rubbed his face, “After you wake up from your nap, accompany me to see the Empress and the others.”

“Alright,” Ning Fei nodded in agreement.

“You’re better than Mingyuan,” Luo Wei said.

“What do you mean?”

“A scholar has a bad temper. Entering the harem is like killing him.”

After hearing Luo Wei’s words, Ning Fei could only smile, “You two always used to argue whenever you met, and it’s still the same now. Aren’t you tired?”

“Minister Xie is a busy man. It’s unlike when we were still in the Senior Chancellor’s mansion, when we could meet frequently,” Luo Wei said.

Ning Fei fell silent for a moment before saying to Luo Wei, “It was better when we were still in the mansion. Back then, Lan…”

“Stop talking about Lan,” Luo Wei interrupted Ning Fei, “Just let him live a good life. Following me brings nothing good; it’s nothing but misfortune.”

Ning Fei patted Luo Wei’s hand, “Alright, let’s not talk about him,” he said to Luo Wei, “Don’t worry, Lan will come back safely this time. His military achievements will definitely be ranked first, and Lan will be prosperous and wealthy in the future.”

“Yes,” Luo Wei smiled faintly.

After arriving at Yi Jin Garden, Luo Wei had Zhao Fu attend to Ning Fei for bathing and let him to have a good sleep.

Luo Zhiyi brought Long Xiao to see Luo Wei. As soon as the little prince had woken up from his nap, he had been playing with Ten in the courtyard, completely unaware of what had happened outside of Yi Jin Garden.

After patiently playing with Long Xiao for a while, Luo Wei said to him, “Xiao’er, how about staying with your Sixth Uncle for a few days?”

Long Xiao looked at Luo Zhiyi, who was holding his hand, and asked, “What about Imperial Grandmother?”

“Your Imperial Grandmother will also stay here for a few days,” Luo Wei smiled, “Xiao’er, how could your Imperial Grandmother abandon you?”

“Then I want to stay with Sixth Uncle,” hearing that Luo Zhiyi would also stay here, Long Xiao immediately agreed to Luo Wei’s suggestion.

Seeing Long Xiao nodding, Luo Zhiyi said to the little prince, “Your Sixth Uncle still has things to do, so Xiao’er, come with your grandmother.”

“Does Imperial Grandmother also want to see the snow?” Long Xiao asked Luo Zhiyi.

Luo Zhiyi walked out while holding Long Xiao’s hand, coaxing him as they walked.

“Ten,” Luo Wei watched as Long Xiao walked out and said to Ten standing by, “Go and bring the other two princes here for me. Say it’s a decree from the Empress Dowager.”

“Yes,” Ten hurriedly stepped out.

“Everyone, please leave,” Luo Wei said to the servants in the study. He needed to think carefully about what to do next.

Xie Yu escorted the officials out of the Throne Hall and came to Yi Jin Garden with Prince Xin, Long Yi.

Luo Wei was looking at the map of Northern Yan spread on the ground. When these two entered, he quickly saluted Prince Xin.

“What happened with Long Xiang?” Prince Xin was most concerned about Long Xiang’s death.

“Mingyuan, you tell him,” Luo Wei said to Xie Yu, “We don’t need to hide it from Prince Xin.”

“Hide it from me?” Prince Xin said anxiously, “Is there really something behind Long Xiang’s death?”

“Yes,” after saluting Prince Xin, Luo Wei had continued to look at the map on the ground and said, “This matter still needs Prince Xin’s decision.”

“What exactly happened?” Prince Xin asked Xie Yu loudly.

Luo Wei said he wouldn’t hide anything, so Xie Yu wouldn’t hold back, and he told Prince Xin about Long Xiang’s incident.

After listening to Xie Yu’s words, Prince Xin was stunned for a long time, his lips trembling, unable to speak.

“I think the report must still be in Xiangnian Hall,” Luo Wei suddenly said, “I haven’t searched there yet. Prince Xin, why don’t you take some people to search it?”

“Yunqi!” Prince Xin’s voice trembled as he said to Luo Wei, “Do you know what you’re telling me?”

“I do,” Luo Wei still didn’t look up, saying, “But the fact is, if you go to search Xiangnian Hall, you’ll know everything. Prince Xin has also led troops and understands battle reports. As an elder, it’s more appropriate for you to go.”

Prince Xin went to Xiangnian Hall with a team of guards stationed in Yi Jin Garden.

“What about General Zhao?” After Prince Xin left, Luo Wei asked Xie Yu.

“He went to the military camp with soldiers. He said he would come to see you later,” Xie Yu said, “What about those captured people? Should they be taken to the Ministry of Justice or…”

“Take them to the market square and execute them,” Luo Wei interrupted Xie Yu before he could finish, “Let the common people see what is the fate of those who dare to rebel.”

“Not even a trial?”

“What is the point of a trial for those caught red-handed?”

“I will make arrangements,” Xie Yu stopped asking more questions; he could tell that Luo Wei was about to lose his temper.

Luo Wei was once again left alone in the study. He simply sat next to the map of Northern Yan; his head was starting to ache from thinking about it, and he still couldn’t think of a solution.

Prince Xin didn’t know that a massacre had already occurred at Yannian Hall. He brought people to Xiangnian Hall, gathered into the courtyard the eunuchs and palace maids who were still there, and ordered people to search inside.

In such a large hall as Xiangnian Hall, finding a battle report was not an easy task. Prince Xin’s search continued from afternoon until sunset.

For the people of Shangdu, this day was also thrilling. First, they heard that Lord Chang had rebelled, then they heard that there was fighting at the south gate of the palace, and then that more than a hundred rebels were brought to the execution ground at the market square, and their heads were hung on long poles for public display. People had barely come back to their senses after seeing more than a hundred bloody heads that they heard the court issue two proclamations: one was that Prince Jin had become regent and would handle state affairs, and the other was that the Chang clan had betrayed the country, and the court offered rewards for capturing the remnants of the Chang clan in Lingnan.

People were discussing these two proclamations, and then some observant people noticed that there were many soldiers on the streets of the capital. Frightened, the people returned home and closed their doors. The streets and alleys of Shangdu were deserted.

Luo Wei stayed in the study until dinner time. As Zhao Fu was coming in and asking him what he wanted for dinner, Ten, who was guarding Yannian Hall, ran in with a look of panic on his face..

“What’s wrong?” Luo Wei asked.

“Empress Dowager Duanmu might not make it,” Ten said to Luo Wei, “What should the Prince do now?”

“Not make it?” Luo Wei said, “Has she fainted?”

Ten kept shaking his head and said, “Looks like she can’t breathe properly; her face is turning blue.”

“Take her back to Dongfo Palace,” Luo Wei didn’t care about the Empress Dowager’s life at all, and said calmly, “I’ll go see her later.”

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