Chapter 410 – Intercession

Long Xuan emerged from Changming Hall after the political discussion, and glanced down the steps only to find Long Xiang still kneeling there.

The ministers walked past Long Xiang from a distance, knowing it was a matter they couldn’t intervene in.

Standing on the steps, Long Xuan asked Long Xiang, “Do you intend to kneel here forever?”

Long Xiang replied, “I request to go to battle.”

With a flick of his robe, Long Xuan descended the steps in large strides, not even sparing Long Xiang another glance.

Long Xiang didn’t call out to Long Xuan either, remaining kneeling there with his back straight.

As Long Xuan walked away, he only said, “Let’s go to Yi Jin Garden.”

After a few steps, a small eunuch from Xiangnian Hall knelt by the roadside and said Long Xuan, “Your Majesty, Her Highness Empress Dowager Liu requests your presence at Xiangnian Hall.”

The procession paused momentarily. Not hearing Long Xuan speak, they resumed moving forward immediately.

The small eunuch remained kneeling until Long Xuan’s carriage was far away, then he got up from the ground and returned to report to the Xiangnian Hall.

Long Xuan remained silent throughout the journey. Upon arriving at Yi Jin Garden, he saw Imperial Physician Wei standing at the garden gate.

“Your Majesty,” Imperial Physician Wei greeted hurriedly upon seeing Long Xuan approaching.

“How is his injury?” Long Xuan asked as he descended the steps.

“The prince slept in the afternoon and has woken up now,” Imperial Physician Wei followed behind Long Xuan. “He seems to be in good spirits. The prince’s injury needs time to heal. Please forgive my incompetence.”

“Is he still in the study?” Long Xuan inquired.

“He’s still lying in the bedroom,” Imperial Physician Wei replied to Long Xuan. “After visiting Changming Hall today, the prince seemed a bit tired.”

Long Xuan halted for a moment, saying, “He brought it upon himself!”

These harsh words from Long Xuan lacked some vigor, but Physician Wei still hurriedly lowered his head. After all, it was he who persuaded Luo Wei to go to Changming Hall, and if Long Xuan found out, he would skin him alive.

At this moment, Luo Wei sat on the bed flipping through a miscellaneous book, seemingly engrossed in it.

“Can’t you lie down yet?” Long Xuan entered the room, seeing Luo Wei still half-lying and half-sitting, he asked, “Is the wound still hurting?”

Luo Wei put down the book in his hand and looked at Long Xuan as he approached the bed, saying, “It’s bearable, just a bit uncomfortable.”

Long Xuan sat down, observing Luo Wei’s complexion, which did indeed seem fine, just as Physician Wei had described. “Have you eaten anything?” Long Xuan asked.

“Not yet,” Luo Wei replied. “And you? Have you had dinner?”

Long Xuan shook his head.

“I can’t accompany you to the hall for dinner,” Luo Wei said. “Would you like to dine here with me?”

“Let’s eat here,” Long Xuan said. “I’m not particular about these things.”

Luo Wei turned to Zhao Fu and ordered, “The Emperor will dine here.”

Zhao Fu quickly retreated to prepare the meal.

“Long Xiang, I mean Prince Yu,” Luo Wei asked Long Xuan after Zhao Fu left, “Has he returned to the mansion after leaving the court?”

“He’s still kneeling at Changming Hall,” Long Xuan replied to Luo Wei. “Can’t you go easy on him? You know him well; he takes everything so seriously.”

“Is it my fault?”

“I didn’t say it’s your fault. Why did you say such things to provoke him?”

“It was him who spoke first,” Luo Wei replied. “You ask me to let him off, but when has he ever spared me?”

Luo Wei and Long Xiang’s clash was causing irritation to Long Xuan. “He’s just childish, so what if you just let him go?” he said to Luo Wei.

“Blood brothers are different,” Luo Wei’s gaze suddenly turned cold. “I also want someone to step in for me for once.”

“Alright,” Long Xuan said hurriedly, seeing that if he continued to talk, there would be another quarrel. “Let him kneel, if he can’t endure it, he can leave. Let’s eat.”

Zhao Fu and Fu Dao brought a small table with them. Long Xuan noticed two plates of meat dishes on the table, and his face lit up.

“I had them add those,” Luo Wei said. “Since you said you would come tonight, have some.”

“You may leave,” Long Xuan told Zhao Fu and Fu Dao, who were standing by to serve. He preferred to dine alone with Luo Wei and didn’t want anyone else present.

Luo Wei reached out to pick up the bowl of porridge in front of him.

“Let me do it,” Long Xuan took the bowl first.

“I’m not helpless,” Luo Wei said. “You don’t have to do this. Just eat quickly; I’m not really hungry.”

“Eat a little more,” Long Xuan insisted on feeding him.

Reluctantly, Luo Wei took a bite from Long Xuan’s hand. Long Xuan fed Luo Wei several more bites, his movements skilled as if he did this regularly.

“You,” Luo Wei couldn’t help but ask, “Do you usually serve others like this?”

“At that time, when Father was seriously ill, I fed him his medicine,” Long Xuan said.

When Long Xuan mentioned Emperor Xingwu, both fell silent. It was another chasm between them, one that Luo Wei felt could never be bridged, while Long Xuan couldn’t tell how much time and effort it would cost him to mend.

“I can’t eat anymore,” after a moment of silence, Luo Wei said to Long Xuan, “You should eat quickly; otherwise, the food will get cold.”

“Are you full?” Long Xuan looked at the half bowl of porridge left in his hand. “Have a little more.”

Luo Wei took a piece of fragrant glutinous cake in his hand, took a bite, and said, “Do you think I only eat porridge every day? Then wouldn’t I starve to death? Hurry up and eat; you don’t want me to feed you, do you?”

Rarely did Luo Wei jest with him, making Long Xuan’s meal quite enjoyable.

Luo Wei ate the cake slowly, finishing even a sizable piece, and finally let Long Xuan feed him a few sips of clear soup.

“I’ll be relieved if you eat like this at every meal in the future,” Long Xuan said happily.

“Come in,” Luo Wei shouted a word outside the room without any reaction.

Zhao Fu and Fu Dao came in, one cleared the table, and the other served fragrant tea to the two. Then the two eunuchs left together.

“I think you should let Prince Yu go to Southern Zhao,” Luo Wei said to Long Xuan after he finished a cup of tea. “Let him fulfill his wish once, won’t you?”

Long Xuan was taken aback and said, “Let him go? Aren’t you afraid he’ll hinder Luo Ze?”

“Sima Qingsha has been fooled by us once,” Luo Wei said. “If you want him to believe that we really want to help Prince Qi ascend to the throne, you need to put in some effort, right?”

Long Xuan said, “What do you mean by that?”

“Your personal expedition would be the most convincing thing for Sima Qingsha. But since that’s not possible, let Prince Yu, your legitimate brother, go instead. This will also make Sima Qingsha believe that we are determined to obtain the throne of Southern Zhao.”

Long Xuan said, “But Xiang has never been to war, how can I rest assured letting him go?”

“Just let him stay in the army,” Luo Wei said. “My second brother should be able to take protect him. Besides, Southern Zhao is just a bait to lure Sima Qingsha into battle. The real battle won’t take place in Southern Zhao. What are you worried about?”

“Can Xiang obey Luo Ze?”

“Just give my second brother a token, so that Prince Yu has no choice but to obey his orders,” Luo Wei said. “My second brother has a strong personality. When Prince Yu comes to his army, I don’t think my second brother will follow his wishes blindly.”

“You understand your second brother quite well,” Long Xuan remarked.

As soon as Luo Wei heard this, his expression changed immediately. “If you think my second brother is not good enough, you can send the obedient Chang Ling instead.”

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