Chapter 355 – Unable to Blame

Luo Wei and Old Wei were talking in the room while Fuyun was waiting in the courtyard. He was now Long Xuan’s eyes next to Luo Wei’s. Whenever something happened to Luo Wei, he had to notify his master immediately. This time, when Luo Wei wanted to see Old Wei, it was only after he had consulted his own master that he allowed Old Wei to enter. However, Fuyun was worried in the courtyard. It was really difficult for him to know what the two people inside the room were talking about.

“You can give this money to the children of the old clan leader for me,” Luo Wei handed several banknotes to Old Wei and said, “It’s because of me and Lan that they suffered. I know this money can’t compensate for anything, but I just want to do something for them.”

“Brother Fu,” Old Wei felt the bills were too hot to handle and said, “Their children… I don’t know if they’ll ever come back in this lifetime. You should keep this money for yourself.”

“It’s hard to leave one’s homeland,” Luo Wei closed Old Wei’s open fingers together and said, “They will come back. Please apologize to them for me.”

“What about you and Brother Lan?” Old Wei asked. “When will you come back?”

Luo Wei smiled bitterly, “When we can come back, we will.”

“Don’t take too long,” Old Wei cried, “I’m an old man with not much time left. I can’t wait too long.”

“Alright,” Luo Wei helped Old Wei to his feet and said, “Let’s try our best. Uncle, I’ll see you out.”

“Brother Fu, what’s your name?” Old Wei stood up and asked Luo Wei again. “I won’t ask why those people call you Prince, why they call you Highness. Can I just ask for your name?”

“Just remember me as Brother Fu,” Luo Wei’s smile was bitter as he said to Old Wei, “Xuanzhou is a place that has nothing to do with the world. Uncle, just enjoy your old age here. Don’t ask about outside things anymore.”

“Brother Fu!”

“If possible, I would rather be Brother Fu for the rest of my life.”

Old Wei looked at Luo Wei and finally didn’t say anything more. Supported by Luo Wei’s arm, the two walked out of the main room together.

The afternoon sun outside was still very bright. Luo Wei looked at the sky outside and said to Old Wei, “It’s a beautiful day today.”

“Yes,” Old Wei touched Luo Wei’s cold hand and said, “When the weather is nice, come out and bask in the sun. It’s good for your health.”

“Alright,” Luo Wei smiled and said, “I will remember.”

Looking at the smile on Luo Wei’s face, Old Wei hesitated for a moment, but still asked Luo Wei, “Brother Fu, do you… do you hate me?”

“There is an owner for every wrong, and a debtor for every debt,” Luo Wei whispered to Old Wei, “This matter has nothing to do with you.”

“So, you don’t blame me?”

Blaming naturally crossed Luo Wei’s mind. He even considered having the people of Xuanzhou buried together with him and Wei Lan. But when he calmed down, the resentment faded away. He and Wei Lan hadn’t done anything for the people of Xuanzhou. They were neither relatives nor benefactors. Why should the people of Xuanzhou sacrifice their lives for them? Come to think of it, it was he and Wei Lan who had caused trouble for everyone in this city. “No wonder,” Luo Wei shook his head at Old Wei and said, “Don’t think too much about it, just take care of yourself

“Alright,” after this conversation with Luo Wei, Old Wei’s heart didn’t lighten much. He held Luo Wei’s hand and said, “If you and Brother Lan can come back, please do. We’ll be waiting for you here. No one will live in those wooden houses again.”

Luo Wei nodded. Then he remembered the chickens he kept in the backyard and said to Old Wei, “I still have some chickens in my yard.”

“I’ll bring those chickens back to the city later,” Old Wei said hurriedly, “I’ll take care of them for you.”

“After you leave, don’t tell anyone about Lan and I again,” Luo Wei gave Old Wei a final warning, “Just say that we are doing well.”

“I’ll listen to you,” Old Wei agreed.

“Escort the elder out,” Luo Wei ordered the little eunuch standing by.

Old Wei glanced at Fuyun, snorted, and a look of resentment appeared on his face.

“Was this servant rude to Uncle?” Luo Wei asked Old Wei.

Old Wei shook his head. He couldn’t be bothered to report such trivial matters, especially when this servant’s master wasn’t even Brother Fu. Revealing it would only embarrass Brother Fu.

“It’s fine,” Luo Wei escorted Old Wei outside, “I’ll teach him a lesson later. Please don’t be angry, Uncle.”

“Brother Fu, take care of yourself,” Old Wei repeatedly reminded Luo Wei as he left.

Luo Wei stood at the courtyard gate, smiling as he watched Old Wei walk away, until Old Wei followed the little eunuch around a corner and disappeared. Only then did the smile fade from his face. If it weren’t for the hope of seeing Wei Lan, if he still didn’t want to confirm Wei Lan’s situation, he wouldn’t care about his body anymore.

The imperial doctor who came to give Luo Wei medicine walked over from the courtyard where Long Xuan was living. Seeing Luo Wei standing at the courtyard gate, he hurriedly took a few quick steps and came to greet Luo Wei.

“No need for formalities,” Luo Wei said, turning and walking into the courtyard.

The physician hurried to follow Luo Wei, asking as they walked, “Your Highness, is the injury on your tongue still painful today?”

“It’s alright,” Luo Wei said. “As long as I don’t eat anything, it doesn’t hurt.”

“Your Highness needs to be patient and endure it for a while longer,” the physician said hurriedly. “Tongue injuries are difficult to heal. If Your Highness can talk less during this time, the injury will heal faster.”

Luo Wei knew the physician meant well. Tongue injuries were hard to heal because the tongue was constantly moving, whether speaking, eating, or drinking, it couldn’t avoid using the injured part. “I just met with guests today,” although he knew the physician meant well, Luo Wei’s words still carried resentment as he said to the physician, “Go tell your Majesty to lock me up if he doesn’t want me to see guests.”

“This subordinate dares not,” the physician wanted to explain to Luo Wei that Long Xuan hadn’t said anything about not talking, but after the imperial doctor had been staying with Luo Wei for these past few days, he didn’t dare to stand up for His Majesty in front of Luo Wei.

Luo Wei walked up to Fuyun and stopped.

Fuyun knew he was in trouble, he bowed his head and greeted Luo Wei, “Your Highness.”

“Why did Old Wei shout at you?” Luo Wei asked Fuyun.

Fuyun hurriedly said, “Your Highness, Old Wei didn’t, didn’t shout at this servant.”

“Then I must have misheard?”

“No, no.”

“So he did shout?”

Fuyun nodded resignedly.

“You insolent dog slave,” Luo Wei cursed.

“It was this slave who acted recklessly,” Fuyun didn’t want to incur more wrath from Luo Wei, so he quickly admitted, “This slave will go apologize to Old Wei.”

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