Chapter 287 – New Year’s Palace Banquet

“That’s Prince Jin Wei of the Great Zhou Dynasty.”

“Is it really him?”

“I saw him when I went to the capital. It’s definitely him.”

Outside the hall, various envoys from other countries witnessed the scene. Prince Jin Wei of Da Zhou was leaning in the arms of Emperor Sima Qingsha, the two whispering softly. Emperor Sima Qingsha’s face was filled with tenderness. Some of the seasoned envoys remained composed, while others, more impatient, showed signs of disbelief on their faces.

Luo Wei followed Sima Qingsha, walking into the main hall, still unable to understand what Sima Qingsha intended to do.

“Your Majesty,” the envoys from various countries, standing on the steps, saluted when they saw Sima Qingsha approaching.

“You’ve all traveled from afar, and it must have been exhausting,” Sima Qingsha said with a hearty laugh. “Follow me into the palace. Today is the New Year’s banquet of Northern Yan. Make sure to enjoy yourselves and not get too drunk. Yun Qi,” Sima Qingsha called out to Luo Wei behind him, “you must be happy today too.”

Amid the gazes of many, Luo Wei forced a smile at Sima Qingsha.

“Let’s go,” Sima Qingsha held Luo Wei’s hand.

The envoy from Great Zhou stood among the others. When he saw this scene, he lowered his head.

In the hall, the courtiers of Northern Yan saw their young lord leading Luo Wei into the main hall, many showing expressions of anger immediately. However, with Sima Qingsha’s current power and prestige, no one dared to speak out.

“We pay our respects to Your Majesty,” the ministers bowed together to Sima Qingsha, offering their obeisance.

“Please rise,” Sima Qingsha, still holding Luo Wei’s hand, letting him join in the officials’ homage to the Emperor of Northern Yan.

“Your Majesty,” as the two reached the jade steps, a group of noblewomen in the palace knelt and greeted Sima Qingsha.

“Please rise,” Sima Qingsha said.

“We thank Your Majesty,” after the leading noblewoman in palace attire raised her head, her gaze fell on Luo Wei.

“This is my Empress,” Sima Qingsha introduced Luo Wei.

Luo Wei blushed instantly. Sima Qingsha introducing the empress to him was simply baffling. Could it be that he was also a member of his harem?

“Your Highness,” the empress smiled at Luo Wei.

Luo Wei lowered his head. He really didn’t know how to deal with this situation.

Luo Wei’s face flushed with anger, while the Emperor and Empress shared a smile, which, to the courtiers and envoys, seemed like Luo Wei was just feeling shy.

“Please, everyone, take your seats!” Sima Qingsha said loudly.

As the empress and her concubines entered behind the pearl curtain, Luo Wei was pulled by Sima Qingsha next to the vacant seat on the left side of his throne, where he was instructed to sit.

“With so many people watching,” Sima Qingsha whispered to Luo Wei, “you must not lose your dignity as a prince.”

Luo Wei sat stiffly in his seat, realizing that Sima Qingsha was making it known to the world that he, Luo Wei, had been included in his harem. The piercing gazes of the crowd felt like daggers, making Luo Wei extremely uncomfortable.

“The Blood Jade,” the Northern Yan’s ministers below noticed Luo Wei wearing the jade ornament around his waist and quickly whispered to their colleagues.

Before long, all the courtiers in the hall knew that Luo Wei was wearing the blood-red jade, which had been with their young lord since childhood.

“Your Majesty,” finally, a minister couldn’t contain himself any longer and stood up to address Sima Qingsha, “Prince Jin Wei is just a hostage. How can he sit at the main seat?”

The smile on Sima Qingsha’s face faded, and he said, “This is my decision. You have some nerve!”

“Your Majesty!” This minister had always been outspoken, and now he spoke even louder, “Prince Jin Wei is the enemy of our Northern Yan. How can you forget this enmity? Even if you treat him with courtesy, it’s too much! This man has always been cunning, and you must not get too close to him!”

“I didn’t want to come either,” Luo Wei spoke up, “It’s you…”

“Yun Qi,” Sima Qingsha interrupted Luo Wei, “Don’t be angry. This old guy has never been pleasant. If you don’t want to see him, I’ll kick him out!”

“Your Majesty!” the minister scolded by Sima Qingsha shouted, “You must not be deceived by this traitor!”

“Insolent!” Sima Qingsha was enraged. “Guards, drag this old man out for me!”

“Your Majesty!” As soon as Sima Qingsha’s words fell, several other ministers knelt down, ready to advise even at the cost of their lives. This was the way of serving with loyalty in Northern Yan’s court.

Listening to the furious rebukes from Northern Yan’s courtiers and watching Sima Qingsha’s “defense” of him, Luo Wei suddenly laughed. His laughter filled the hall, drowning out the angry shouts and reprimands.

“Yun Qi,” Sima Qingsha saw Luo Wei laughing while clutching his chest and quickly left his seat to approach him. “What’s wrong? Feeling unwell?”

In his heart, Luo Wei wondered how he could humiliate this madman playing a role.

“If you’re not happy, shall I kick them all out?” Sima Qingsha said with concern. “Your health is delicate, and you shouldn’t get upset.”

Luo Wei turned his head and saw the contempt and disdain in the eyes of the people below. “What do you take me for?” he asked Sima Qingsha.

“I will protect you,” Sima Qingsha said.

“Your Majesty!” Another minister shouted in anger below.

“Madman!” Luo Wei stood up.

“Yun Qi!” Sima Qingsha reached out as if to support Luo Wei.

Luo Wei pushed away Sima Qingsha’s hand. He had had enough of this person. “Is this amusing to you?” he asked Sima Qingsha.

“Drag them out for me!” Sima Qingsha pointed at the kneeling ministers below and ordered loudly.

“No need,” Luo Wei said, “I should be the one going to prison. Your Majesty, you should treat your ministers well!”

“Yun Qi, I didn’t expect it to turn out like this,” Sima Qingsha softened his tone towards Luo Wei today.

Luo Wei walked around the table and headed towards the jade steps. He had no interest in playing along with Sima Qingsha’s act. Did this man want to show the envoys of various countries how much Sima Qingsha repaid evil with kindness and how well he treated Luo Wei? This man was shameless indeed.

“Prince Cheng, preside over the banquet for me,” Sima Qingsha pointed to his close brother, Prince Cheng, to take charge in the hall. He followed behind Luo Wei as they left the hall, leaving behind a crowd of people, some dumbfounded, some furious.

“Play some music,” Prince Cheng stood in the hall, feeling extremely embarrassed, but he had no choice but to say, “Let the feast begin.”

After the disturbance caused by Sima Qingsha and Luo Wei, although the New Year’s banquet in Northern Yan’s imperial palace proceeded as usual, everyone at the banquet had no taste for the food. None of Northern Yan’s officials bore any love for Luo Wei, and the envoys from various countries wondered: Luo Wei harbored deep-seated enmity towards Northern Yan, so who could have expected that Emperor Sima Qingsha would go to such lengths to please him? Did Luo Wei now have Emperor Sima Qingsha under his control?

Halfway through the banquet, Chief Eunuch Qian entered the hall with a bowed head.

“Where is His Majesty?” Prince Cheng immediately asked.

“His Majesty is in the sleeping quarters,” Eunuch Qian replied. “He ordered this servant to come and check if Your Highness needed anything.”

“What about Prince Jin Wei?” the Empress suddenly asked from behind the pearl curtain.

Eunuch Qian hesitated to speak.

“Where is Prince Jin Wei now?” the Empress asked again.

“Prince Jin Wei,” Eunuch Qian seemed helpless, “is also in the sleeping quarters.”

There was no sound from behind the pearl curtain.

“Your Highness!” Soon, the palace ladies behind the pearl curtain exclaimed in shock.

“Quick, fetch the imperial physician!” everyone in the hall heard the palace ladies behind the pearl curtain shouting, “The Empress has fainted!”

A banquet that was supposed to be a joyous occasion ended up upside down.

“That kind of appearance can cause trouble wherever you go!”

After hearing such talks, the envoy of the Zhou Dynasty finally couldn’t hold the wine glass in his hand and dropped it on the table.

In the sleeping quarters.

Luo Wei, who had been forcibly dragged there by Sima Qingsha, shouted loudly, “What do you want?! Are you really insane?!”

“I just want to keep you with me,” Sima Qingsha ignored Luo Wei’s struggles and kissed Luo Wei on the lips, murmuring, “Luo Wei, you can only belong to me!”

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